Wednesday, September 4, 2013

2#Gaming (Gonna get my hands on PS4 soon)

Heya.. It's been a while i didn't updated my blog.. Well the reason is because of my final exam.. Need to be focusing to my finals.

But now my final exam is already over \(^O^)/ so got a lot of free time after this ^^

Back to the topic. I'm really happy that I'll get my PS4 soon. That means I already have my playstation collections with me (PS1, PS2, PSP, PSP@GO, PS3) upcoming console will be PS4 ^^

One thing that I like about PS4 is maybe about the controller. Have a closer look at the controller. Man I can tell you that I'm really excited with the Dualshock@4 controller new design. Also, not to mention the console design itself. Really damn sexy.. So kawaii!!

The new interface also looks cool. The games are just WOW really cool. I'm definitely going to buy Watch Dogs, Killzone : Shadow Fall, Fifa 14 for my PS4.

But..... there's one thing I didn't like about the new PS4.. Wanna know what it is ??

It is regarding about Playstation Plus subscription. Yeah I know it's cool to subscribe PS Plus but I ain't waste my money for that. And thanks to it, in order to play multiplayer (online) games we need to subscribes to PS Plus first. WTH, if PS3 can offer online gaming experience for free why not PS4 ??

I don't know I'm kind of disappointed a bit but oh well ok ok I'll try to purchase to PS Plus 1-year subscription soon after i get my PS4.

Well minna-san that's it I guess :) Hope you all enjoy my blog.

See you later (^_^)/


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